And even more advantages!


Our knowledgeable service team is happy to answer any questions you may have. Premium support and individual assistance are available upon request.


Server locations in Germany and SSL certificates ensure optimum security for your data. Upon request, we can integrate additional precautions to guarantee the greatest possible security even for sensitive data.


All services and operating costs are included in the licensing agreement. Software updates occur automatically. Our customers have state-of-the-art technology and benefit from all further developments without added charges and without additional capital commitment.

Number of users

No limit to the number of users. Whether for one or 10,000, Slides2Go is scalable and can be customized for use in all industries and for all purposes. With a back-end that is easy to understand, even large numbers of users can be conveniently managed and easily organized.


Slides2Go is international. You can choose from German, English, Spanish, French and Italian in the individual version of the presentation tool. Additional languages can be easily implemented.

Additional file formats

Slides2Go was developed for Office and PDF formats. Furthermore, the integration of other programs, such as Keynote and Google Docs Office Suite is already in the pipeline.